Category: Research

  • WordPress SEO

    SEO = search engine optimization. In order to make sure that the WERC (and any other future wordpress site) gets indexed and appropriately ranked by Google and other search engines, there are particular things that needed to be addressed. have H1 tags appear once and more or less match the title of the page use…

  • Variable Browser Width

    In Developing a within page navigation menu I ran into something which for the time being I am going to let be because, I don’t think it will have a big impact, and this is taking too much time. This page shows a little browser javascript I wrote to change the css class of…

  • MySQL FILE Priv

    This was a sticking point in for the WERC seminar reservation system. The database web bot / mysql user needs the FILE priv. GRANT FILE on *.* to ‘werc_seminar_bot’@’localhost’;

  • A little LDAP research

    I had opened a ticket a while back with OIT and eventually got a response from Daniel LaRoe. He suggested one way to get a listing of INE people via and LDAP was to do an advanced search with this query: (&(|(uid=*Northern Engineering*)(unitDirectoryHeadings=*Northern Engineering*)(unitAlias=*Northern Engineering*)(unitDisplayName=*Northern Engineering*))(|(ou=routing)(ou=resource)(ou=departments))) This only produces two records, each which point…

  • Style Sheet for Printing

    I worked up a quick style sheet for print media (fancy way of saying printing), for this blog. Browser support for published standards of print style sheets is lacking at the moment, but most browsers support the “display:none” property. With this control, I can make certain elements of the page disappear. When these pages are…

  • Visitor Screen Width Analysis

    Unique Visitors Data from Google Analytics on unique visitors to or recently edited pages in the “triage” style pages. The witdh is pixels of screen resolution. Data from screens with the same width but varying heights were combined. This represents all visitors between 21 Sept 2009 and 21 October 2009 Width (pixels) Visitors (unique)…

  • You Tube Policies

    Background This is a followup to and had  Sandra asked me to look into posting video on the web. UAF Video now CEM has already posted some student videos at Other UA YouTube channels: UAA engineering more hip, better editing, recent videos (showing actual inventions like the pinbone…

  • Web UI Design Blog and Good ideas.