Author: Dan LaSota
Instruction without the Text Crutch
Purpose of ‘Moving Beyond Text’ What exactly is wrong with text? Is your domain knowledge more a capability of performance? Would you teach someone how to tie their shoes using text? What is the best way to teach the skill of tying a bowline knot? If you do move beyond text, how do you assure…
Explain It Like I’m 5
I’ve referenced this opening skit to The Office in one of my Teaching Tips. Beyond being superb comedy, this is an interesting from a teaching standpoint. At the end of a content module, no matter what domain knowledge or learning activities students were shepherded through, there has to be some sort of assessment, so both…
Methods of iTeach
So what happens when you have nine instructional designers who are tasked with developing curriculum to help UAF faculty develop online courses? What happens is that you see a variety of techniques in which content is presented, activities are practiced and the faculty reflect upon. Our most recent iTeach was presented in a period of…
Curation on Facilitating and Moderating Online Discussions
Recently I lead a discussion on leading discussions in the online realm. I provided the group participants from iTeach a few web resources and articles that touched on some important aspects of effective and necessary moderation tasks. This lengthy article gives great detail to the number of tasks that a moderator has in creating…
Data from Lab to Cloud
After finishing up my masters project for developing plans for a remote controlled laboratory demonstrating the Faraday Effect, its time to shift from plans into developing a prototype. Recent testing of the RCL concept involves identifying instruments capable of measuring a range of brightness from the laser, as well as being capable of providing visual…
Safari Command Key Shortcuts for Favorites
It used to be, way back when before the time of OS X “El Capitan”, v10.11 and Safari browser version 9.0, that you could assign command key equivalents to web pages. This is one of those “I must have it” features I used all the time. Cmnd-1 was assigned to my calendar. I look at…
Sample Embeds
Embed example from my calendar: Embed from Docs: Embed example from sheets: Embed from G+ Embed from slides: Embed from YouTube: Embed from Twitter: The current @HooDooBrew menu. Very glad to see Saison back again! — Dan LaSota (@DanLaSota) July 18, 2015 Embed from SoundCloud: Embed from Google Trends: