Category: INE

  • File Upload Limit

    I’m working on getting a system for the AUTC people to be able to upload files properly. I’m taking a guess that 24M should work. I had to edit /etc/php.ini and add define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’24MB’); to wp-config.php

  • Breadcrumbs Function Solved

    Finally updated the wordpress multisite hierarchical breadcrumbs function. This includes pages, news feeds, posts, and category archives. The plugin authors were too slow in getting changes out.

  • Generic 302 Redirects

    A redirect is a message the web server sends the client telling it that the page requested is temporarily moved. I’ll be using this when making web pages a bit especially when I need to point to content that is on an older server like Roxen. That way, I can go ahead and create the…

  • Sagavanirktok Video Page

    This is a good example of something which seems simple but creates a cascade of other work. I added a new web page,, to a sub site of the new INE web site. I had to stitch together the AUTC subsite, create a Navigation Widget Column for this AUTC site, clean up the AUTC…

  • MySQL 5.1.50 and Disk Space

    In the process of upgrading to 5.1.50 directly from 5.1.48 on I ran into some difficulty on that as the machine ran out of disk space. Spent some time talking to Peter about short and long term solutions. A plan is in order. The actual process of upgrading 5.1.50 went well on the beta…

  • MySQL 5.1.49

    5.1.49 is out. The changes are listed here: I do not deem this a critical but will get to it when time permits.

  • Victory over Internet Explorer

    I have managed to get the resize script woking properly in Internet Explorer. IE does not adhere to the standard DOM event of element.addEventListener instead, it uses element.attachEvent, mostly the same thing, except a bit less handy, and of course, it behaves differently than every other browser. IE browsers account for 30% of the visits…