Variable Browser Width

In Developing a within page navigation menu I ran into something which for the time being I am going to let be because, I don’t think it will have a big impact, and this is taking too much time.

This page shows a little browser javascript I wrote to change the css class of a <div>  from “displayNone” to either “displayNarrow” or “displayWide”. The script picks up the browser width and triggers on 1400 pixels wide as determining which class to assign the div (which displays the section navigation menu). The idea is that wide screens will have a fixed nav aid, narrow screens will not.

Browsers which refuse or cannot run javascript on the page to accomplish this will not see anything at all because the default of the <div> is set to “displayNone”.

This script was tested with Safari,  Firefox, Google Chrome and IE. IE does not run the script. IE users will not see this <div> at all. According to the visitors log about 1/3 people using the site are IE users.