MySQL for File Attachments

What I need is right here:

mysql> select ID, post_title, post_name, post_parent from wp_2_posts where post_type=’attachment’;
| ID | post_title | post_name | post_parent |
| 40 | […]

By |January 26th, 2011|AUTC|Comments Off on MySQL for File Attachments

File Upload Limit

I’m working on getting a system for the AUTC people to be able to upload files properly.
I’m taking a guess that 24M should work.

I had to edit /etc/php.ini
and add define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’24MB’); to wp-config.php

By |January 24th, 2011|AUTC, CEM, INE|Comments Off on File Upload Limit

Generic 302 Redirects

A redirect is a message the web server sends the client telling it that the page requested is temporarily moved. I’ll be using this when making web pages a bit especially when I need to point to content that is on an older server like Roxen. That way, I can go ahead and create […]

By |October 18th, 2010|AUTC, INE|Comments Off on Generic 302 Redirects

Sagavanirktok Video Page

This is a good example of something which seems simple but creates a cascade of other work.

I added a new web page,, to a sub site of the new INE web site.

I had to stitch together the AUTC subsite, create a Navigation Widget Column for this AUTC site, clean up the AUTC logo […]

By |September 16th, 2010|AUTC, INE|Comments Off on Sagavanirktok Video Page