You Tube Policies


This is a followup to and had  Sandra asked me to look into posting video on the web.

UAF Video now

CEM has already posted some student videos at Other UA YouTube channels:

Other Universities


A YouTube video page consists of a video player with its controls, ratings area for a user to indicate 0-5 stars, comments area, video responses, Author’s information and link to “channel” page, more videos from the author and related videos.

You cannot control who responds to your videos either in text or video, what they say, their name, etc. By subscriber linking, one could with relatively few clicks land on a series of subscriber pages onto some content that runs contrary to the Universities mission. But this is the way the Internet works and I think people are used to his.

Ownership: Who owns the video? YouTube says the author does, and makes it the author’s responsibility to make sure that uploaded content does not violate someone elses ownership rights. YouTube may use your content in promotional work, and others can and will link to it and embed bits of your work in their pages. You must acknowledge this before using YouTube. There are various mechanisms for people to flag material that is objectionable or that potentially violates ownership. Much of this is done by viewers, not by YouTube staff.

INE and CEM should be careful of material that shows individuals and should make sure that releases are on hand, especially material showing students.

Material produced by INE or CEM should show our work in the best light and be of good quality.

The CEM or INE channel user account should not link to personal interest channels. (It does not right now). While we cannot control who subscribes or friends to us, we should make sure that the UAFEngineering user only subscribe to academic channels or content that would in fact drive more traffic back to us from funding agencies, potential students and researchers.

YouTube Use Agreement

The particulars of the “Terms of Service” are located online at My read on them is that this is acceptable and appropriate for material that could be produced by INE.