Instruction without the Text Crutch

Purpose of ‘Moving Beyond Text’

  • What exactly is wrong with text?
  • Is your domain knowledge more a capability of performance?
  • Would you teach someone how to tie their shoes using text?
  • What is the best way to teach the skill of tying  a bowline knot?
  • If you do move beyond text, how do you assure proper access for different disabled groups?
  • What considerations need to be made for the online environment?


Learn by Watching – Primitive Technology

Hand Drawn Illustration and Voice

Straight Up Lecture

Voice Podcast

Classic Radio Space

NPR clip on the Wilson name and Princeton U

Down Dog Yoga

Demonstration of:

Immersive 3D Space


Based on your course content you might think of recording a particular video, audio clip, or creating an immersive 3D learning space. Perhaps you will create a studio workshop for face to face or your online class.